FAME - Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment - is an ambitious strategic transnational co-operation project which will enable the protection of the Atlantic marine environment.The FAME project will be delivered by partners from 5 countries (UK, Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal) who have interest, knowledge and expertise in the marine environment, ranging from seabird tracking & monitoring to mapping, data analysis and engagement with the offshore renewable energy and fisheries sectors.Marine wildlife does not respect country boundaries, and so by working transnationally the partners will be able to safeguard the Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment.

lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

Documentary on Berlangas archipelago and SPEA's FAME work for conservation

Within FAME project, SPEA develops several conservation actions in Berlengas archipelago, including the census, breeding success study, and tracking of Cory´s Shearwater, construction of artificial nests, colony monitoring and individual tracking of Madeiran Storm-petrel in Farilhão Grande, the species Northern most stronghold. A team of NGO Aid Nature, accompanied the SPEA field crew in some of these trips, and the result is an excellent documentary, which aims to raise public awareness of the importance of these islands in the context of  Portuguese marine conservation, and the work SPEA has been undertaking.
Watch the full video on http://vimeo.com/39305531

 Madeiran Storm-Petrel census and tracking work in Farilhão Grande