FAME - Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment - is an ambitious strategic transnational co-operation project which will enable the protection of the Atlantic marine environment.The FAME project will be delivered by partners from 5 countries (UK, Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal) who have interest, knowledge and expertise in the marine environment, ranging from seabird tracking & monitoring to mapping, data analysis and engagement with the offshore renewable energy and fisheries sectors.Marine wildlife does not respect country boundaries, and so by working transnationally the partners will be able to safeguard the Future of the Atlantic Marine Environment.

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

FAME Meeting and Coastal census workshop in Santander. 6th-9th March

Working hard during the FAME Meeting

The great Meeting place at la Maruca, Santander

The FAME Meeting guys

Ivan Ramírez from SPEA and BirdLife during the Coastal census workshop

People listening to Phil Taylor from BirdLife

Pep Arcos from SEO/BirdLife during the Coastal census workshop

Very nice lunch breaks with traditional Cantabrican food